Dignity Champions
A Dignity Champion believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that care services must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and willing to try to do something to achieve this.
Dignity Champions are willing to:
Stand up and challenge disrespectful behaviour rather than just tolerate it.
Act as good role models by treating other people with respect, particularly those who are less able to stand up for themselves.
Speak up about Dignity to improve the way that services are organised and delivered.
Influence and inform colleagues.
Listen to and understand the views and experiences of citizens.
Champions are all committed to taking action, however small, to create a care system that has compassion and respect for those using its services.
Each Dignity Champion's role varies depending on their knowledge and influence and the type of work they are involved in.
There are many small things that you can do that can have a big impact on people's lives, as well as taking on a more active role if you have the time to do so.
An Infection Prevention Champion is an individual who on a day to day basis, works with patients in the healthcare setting.
They will promote and maintain a culture in which infection prevention and control is of the highest importance.
To fulfil this role the staff member requires knowledge of the principles of infection control to enable them to work with colleagues to improve infection control practices within the area they work.
What is the role of the infection prevention champion?
To establish and maintain infection control standards in the organisation
and ensure national requirements are met.
To be the expert and accountable person for infection control within the organisation.
To train and develop the staff working within the organisation in infection prevention and control.
To act as the infection control named contact for patients, GPs and other health and social care providers.