Quality -
A framework for the development of standards for the provision of domiciliary care agencies will be used for the on-going development of our quality assurance programme.
We embrace recommendations laid down by the Joint Advisory Group of Domiciliary Care Associations.
We regularly monitor the quality of care through many areas. Review assessments are an invaluable time for the Manager(s) or Team Leader (s) to evaluate services requirements and to obtain feedback, in order that accurate care can be delivered in line with the Service Users needs and requirements.
Care 2 U Ltd ensures that all employees are entered into a training programme to meet the needs and requirements commensurate with required mandatory training, the National Occupation Standards & Level 2 in Health and Social Care.
Employees provided to Service Users will be trained to standards required for delivering care and assistance as outlined in the Service Users care plan.
Care 2 U Ltd is fully committed to providing the highest possible standards of care and are constantly monitoring and reviewing service level delivery.
In order to deliver and sustain our services, we have laid down procedures and policies that are the frame work to fundamental operations of the company.
Care 2 U Ltd asks all Service Users to complete periodic ”Satisfaction Surveys" following commencement of service. This enables the Service User to state their views and comments in respect to our service delivery in a confidential manner, enabling our Manager(s) or team Leader(s) to act promptly to any concerns raised.
To ensure and maintain the Service Users independence
and ensure they are treated as individuals whom have the right to make choices and decisions.
To maintain respect, dignity, privacy and confidentiality of all of our Service Users at all times.
To ensure the Service Users remain in their own home
and has a continued Social Standing within their community.
To ensure Service Users have the rights to make decisions with regards to their care plan and services.
To ensure Service Users are not discriminated against
because of their race, nationality, gender, religion or disability.
To ensure Service Users have access to and knowledge of the Complaints Procedure.
To ensure Service Users care plans are maintained and care is implemented
in respect of the Service User's individual needs.
To ensure that all calls times and durations are completed in full.